Sports Premium

What is Sports Premium?

Schools receive funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.

This means that schools should use the premium to:

  • Develop or add to the PE and sport activities that the school already offers
  • Make improvements now that will benefit pupils joining the school in future years


How much do we receive into our school budget?

In the financial year 2020-21 our Sports Premium funding was £17,500.

In the financial year 2021-22 our Sports Premium was funding £17,500.

In the financial year 2022-23 our Sports Premium was £17,500.

In the financial year 2023-24 our Sports Premium was £18,050.

In the current financial year 2024-25 our Sports Premium is £18,050.

Swimming in Year 6 2023-24

  • Number of children in the cohort

    The total number including children who access our Autism provision = 37

  • Percentage of children in Year 6 who swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of 25m


  • Percentage of children in Year 6 who can use a range of strokes effectively

    • 10m front and back only - 74% 
    • 25m front and back only - 50%
    • 25m front back and breast stroke - 8 %
  • Percentage of children in Year 6 who can perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations

    • Treading water collecting brick 76% 

More information

Please click the thumbnails below to view our Sports Premium documents:

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