Hudson Primary School is fully supportive of inclusion. We strive to ensure that all our pupils progress to their full potential, enjoying appropriate challenges and related success. Applications for children with SEND to join the school should be made in the normal way through Sefton Council website.
Quality First Teaching is at the heart of our provision for all our pupils, however, for some pupils there are occasions when further additional support may be needed to help them achieve their potential.
Pupils are identified as having SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disability) only where it is appropriate, and action to meet the full range of their needs goes beyond what can be achieved by adapting mainstream teaching. Different types of SEND, as identified in the New Code of Practice 2015, includes pupils with:
Disability: meaning a physical or mental condition that limits a persons movements, senses or activities.
Cognitive and Learning:
Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD), General/ Moderate Learning Difficulties (GLD/MLD).
Communication and Interaction:
Speech and Language Difficulties, Autistic Spectrum Condition including Asperger’s Syndrome (ASC).
Sensory and /or Physical Needs: Hearing Impairment (HI), Visual Impairment (VI), Physical/Medical Difficulties (P/MD).
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties: Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (EBD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Behavioural difficulties do not necessarily mean that a pupil or young person has SEND and should not automatically lead to a pupil or young person as having SEND. Some pupils have needs that span across multiple categories detailed above and teachers will then need to adapt teaching and be fully aware of both the pupil’s primary needs and their secondary needs.
Hudson Primary School Local Offer
The Government Green Paper (March 2011) introduced the Local Offer as a way of providing parents and families with an overview of what is on offer to support pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at a specific school.
Local Authorities also publish their Local Offer, setting out the provision they expect to be available across Education, Health and Social care for children and young people who have SEND. Information and a link is available here:
We know when pupils need help if:
If the school feels that a pupil is still not making sufficient progress and may have elements of SEND then the class teacher, with the support of the SENDCO, will discuss the school’s concerns with parents. Other agencies may need to be involved, if deemed appropriate, and parental consent to this would always be sought. The class teacher will also discuss how a parent can support their child in achieving their targets.
Hudson Primary can offer and arrange pastoral support which can include:
Hudson Primary School buys into: Sefton’s Educational Psychology and Portage Service (SEPPS) and is supported by:
Other services may be called upon when more specialist advice is required such as:
All members of staff are encouraged to attend appropriate meetings, courses or training days to broaden knowledge and share finding with others. The following have been attended:
All staff have had up to date Child Protection training.
Activities and school trips are available to all and excursions do not go ahead unless ALL pupils are able to take part.
The school is a two storey building in one section of the school used only for building maintenance. At present access to the upper level is by stairs. The ground floor his widened doorways and accessible main entrances and exits.
At Hudson Primary we are happy to discuss individual access requirements. Our equality and accessibility plan is available on request. Facilities we have at present include:
The SEND budget is allocated each financial year. The money is used to provide support or resources dependent on individual need. The Headteacher makes the final decision as to how the budget is allocated.
These decisions are made in consultation with class teachers, the SENDCO and the Headteacher. Decisions are made upon termly tracking of pupil progress and as a result of assessments / advice from outside agencies. If further concerns are identified, then other interventions will be arranged.
All parents are encouraged to contribute to their child’s education. This may be through:
We hope that this information helps to answer your questions. However, if there is anything else you would like to know please telephone or email using the school contact page.
Please follow the procedure outlined in the complaints section located HERE
Please click the thumbnails below to view documents relating to SEND:
Hudson Primary School
Moorhey Road
L31 5LE
School TEL : 0151 526 1568
Family Wellbeing Centre: 0151 531 0117
Website by