Hudson is a mainstream primary school with four supportive resourced provision base classrooms. These provide school places for up to 36 children applied for through Sefton's SEND team.
Ethos and Values
Working within the vision and values of the mainstream school we aim to: place the child at the centre of their own learning and development by providing the highest quality specialist education which addresses the specific needs of autism, as well as the individuality of each pupil and his or her family, so that their potential can be achieved at each stage of their education and on into adult life.
- We aim to have a strong person centred value base with clear objectives
- Acknowledge that pupils with autism have the same right as any other pupil and in so doing, act in their best interests at all times
- Value each pupil as an individual and treat him or her in a way which demonstrates respect and an awareness of their dignity
- Provide education for all pupils in a safe, caring, warm and stimulating environment
- Promote healthy lifestyles and support pupils in making healthy choices
- Support the emotional well being, resilience and self esteem of each pupil and encourage positive self image
- Build on each pupil’s strengths, celebrate their achievements and value their contribution to the school and the wider community
- Promote pupil enjoyment and achievement, advocacy and autonomy so that they can experience the highest possible quality of life both now and in the future
- Promote the skills, understanding and knowledge that will enable each pupil to achieve the highest level of independence possible and make a contribution to their family, the school and the wider community
- Provide each pupil with a broad, balanced and individually differentiated range of learning experiences
- This comprises a core curriculum of priority areas (Communication, Social Interaction and Self Awareness, Flexibility of Thought and Behaviour, English, Mathematics and Personal, Social and Health Education) and the full range of National Curriculum subject areas
- Monitor pupil progress and measure outcomes so as to ensure appropriate expectations and high standards
- Support pupils so as to enable them to take as high a level of responsibility as possible for themselves, their behaviour and their learning
- Recognise the difficulties that families face in living with a child with autism and provide a range of opportunities for contact and support in an open and sensitive manner
- Work in partnership with parents, families and other professionals in meeting the needs of the pupils
- Take a broad view of inclusion to best equip pupils to participate in as full a range of educational, social and community opportunities as possible. This includes periods of integration into mainstream educational settings where appropriate
- Have a commitment to outreach, multi-agency and partnership working and, as a centre of expertise, act as a resource to parents and professionals
- Have a commitment to developing a high quality service, including keeping abreast of new developments and continuing to extend our expertise and models of good practice
- Ensure continued improvement through quality procedures for self evaluation and development planning
Please see our class pages for detailed information about learning and experiences within our Autism Provision