School Uniform

We expect all of our children to wear their uniform correctly and with pride as a member of our school community. I therefore ask for your support in making sure your child is properly dressed for school and adequately dressed and prepared for their PE and sports sessions. 

Often parents get upset when clothing items are misplaced; please help us to relocate them by ensuring your child’s name is clearly displayed on labels of all items including PE kit. 

Please be aware that for health and safety reasons small plain studded earrings are allowed. These will need to be removed or covered with plasters with written adult consent for PE and swimming. 

We also request that hair is tied back with dark coloured accessories, and is not a distraction or conflicting with our smart school appearance.

When it is PE day, children should attend school in their PE kit for the full day including their school pullover or cardigan. This helps us to maximize the time spent on physical activity. If it is your child’s term to go swimming, then normal school uniform is to be worn and correct swimming kit brought in to school in a waterproof bag. 

Nursery to Year 5 Girls 


  • Red polo shirt 
  • School navy V neck sweatshirt / cardigan 
  • Grey skirt or trousers (not leggings, joggers or fashion bootleg)
  • Low heeled, dark coloured footwear that is a full shoe with a back on 
  • Dark coloured tights or socks Red/white checked summer dress can be worn in the summer term with a full shoe.


Nursery to Year 5 Boys 


  • Red polo shirt 
  • School V neck sweatshirt 
  • Grey trousers or shorts 
  • Dark coloured footwear – no trainers thank you 


Year 6  

Children in Year six are getting ready for high school, so in addition to the items above the red polo shirt is replaced with a white shirt and a red tie. 

PE kit - (indoor)

Navy shorts

Red t-shirt

Black pumps

PE (outdoor)

Dark tracksuit bottoms

Red t-shirt


PE (swimming) – Key Stage 2

Girls: Full swimming costume and swimming cap

Boys: Swimming trunks and swimming cap

Children will need to take a brush/comb and towel.

Please be aware that for health and safety reasons small plain studded earrings are allowed. These will need to be removed or covered with plasters with written adult consent for PE and swimming.

Additional Items  


  1. A school book bag is necessary for taking home school communications, reading books and homework – school book bags can be purchased, but a small holdall is all that is required - this needs to be able to fit in their class tray. 
  2. We also request that children have access to water throughout the day. This needs to be in a sports topped bottle container, clearly labelled with your child’s name that is taken home to be sterilised daily. School bottles can be purchased through our local school wear supplier. 


All school uniform can be obtained from our supplier who has a shop on Dover Road in Maghull; ‘Sefton Schoolwear’ where you can purchase uniform directly.

Nearly new and donated school items are also available from our school office.

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