Charging Policy

Hudson Primary School aims to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that is enriched through a wide variety of additional experiences. These take place both on and off the school site and all activities are chosen to support the children’s learning and the school’s ethos.

The Education Act 1996 clarifies the activities for which charges can be made or voluntary contributions sought and gives schools the discretion to charge for optional
activities, provided wholly or mainly out of school hours and the right to invite voluntary contributions for the benefit of the school or in support of any activity organised by the school whether during or after school hours.


The objectives of the Charging Policy are:
  • To ensure activities offered in school time should be available to all pupils regardless of their parents’ ability or willingness to help meet the cost.
  • To identify those activities for which charges may be levied.
  • To invite voluntary contributions for the benefit of the school in support of any activities organised by the school either during or outside school hours.
  • Charges

    The Governing Body reserves the right to make a charge in the following circumstances allowed by the Act:

    • The provision of music tuition given to children as individuals or in groups, except where it is to fulfil statutory duties relating to the National Curriculum or requirements specified in the syllabus for a public exam
    • Ingredients and materials for cooking, Art, Craft, Design & Technology activities. Materials will be charged for (or parents will be required to supply these) if they have indicated in advance a wish to own the finished product.
    • Activities which take place outside school hours and which are not a statutory part of the National Curriculum e.g. outings, visits, sports coaching, cycling courses.
    • Trips and activities during the school day (through a voluntary contribution)
    • Activities which involve children in nights away from home will include chargesfor board, lodging and travel costs. Families in receipt of the benefits may be considered for financial support by the governing body. 
  • Voluntary Contributions

    When organising school trips or visits which enrich the curriculum and educational experiences of the children, the school invites parents to contribute to the cost of the trip. All contributions are voluntary, however should we not receive sufficient contributions to make the trip viable, it might be cancelled. If a trip goes ahead, it will include children whose parents have not paid any contribution. If a parent wishes their child to take part in a school trip or event, but is unwilling or unable to make a voluntary contribution, we do allow the child to participate fully in the trip or activity. The school will provide a breakdown of how trips and activities are funded should this be required.

  • Breakages

    In cases of wilful damage, breakage or loss of equipment on loan to children, the Headteacher, in consultation with the Chair of the Finance Committee may decide to make a charge. Each incident will be dealt with on its own merit and at their discretion.

  • Residential Visits

    Our residential activities take place largely during school time and as such no charge will be made for the education element of the trip. Expressions of interest are sought prior to the visit in order to determine whether or not it will go ahead. This includes a breakdown of the costs involved. Parents of children involved in residential visits will be charged for board and lodging and will be asked for a voluntary contribution towards any other costs involved. Parents in receipt of free school meals will be exempt from paying, in such cases the school will use pupil premium entitlement to pay for the cost of board and lodging, however some of our parents may make an individual decision to contribute.

  • Music Tuition

    All children study music as part of the school curriculum for which there is no charge. A charge is made for individual or group music tuition if this is not part of the National curriculum. Peripatetic music teachers teach individual or small group lessons. We make a charge for these lessons. Contributions towards these lessons for those parents in receipt of state benefits are given at the discretion of the Headteacher and Governing Body and within the limitations of the school budget. We give parents information about additional music tuition prior to the start of each academic year.

  • Swimming

    The school organises swimming lessons for all children in Years 3 – 6. These take place in school time and are part of the National Curriculum. The school undertakes to cover the cost of the pool hire, coaching costs and transport. 

  • Additional In-School Charges

    Private Photocopying/Telephone Calls The Governors have agreed that, under normal circumstances, no charge will be made for these services. Should a large number of copies or calls be required for personal use, permission will be sought from the Headteacher and a donation will be charged to cover costs.

    Income from Sales

    Some goods will be sold through the school with the intention of making a small profit and this often takes the form of commission. Goods include; Book Fair sales and school photographs.

    Income from Donations

    Occasionally, the school will seek voluntary donations from events such as non-uniform days, sponsorship etc. The purpose for which the donation will be used is explained clearly to parents and visitors.

    Income from Lettings

    The Finance Committee review annually and set charges for the use of school premises. These costs are laid down in the School Letting Policy and include caretaking, insurance and energy costs. The school does not charge the FoGP for use of the school for fund-raising activities.

The Headteacher and Governing Body will ensure that:
  • Careful consideration is given to making up any shortfall in voluntary contributions from parents from the school’s delegated budget
  • If a charge is made for each child it will not exceed the actual cost.
  • In the case of day visits and activities, no child will be excluded because the school has not received a voluntary contribution towards the cost involved.
  • Whenever possible, parents are given sufficient notice of forthcoming trips and activities
  • Parents may make representation to the governing body for financial support relating to activities where a charge is required. each case will be considered carefully.
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